Category Archives: Witterings

Witterings are, well they’re witterings really. They’re not uncategorised posts but don’t really fit into anything else

A trip to Bude

 Last Saturday (23rd June) morning we headed down to Bude for a couple of days. Leaving Cheltenham just after 7am might have seemed mad but it worked extremely well and, including a stop at Bridgewater Services (which I wouldn’t advise) … Continue reading

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Weekend… what weekend

So its the weekend – those two days when you don’t go to work, those two days when you relax and don’t do the things that last week you said you’d do this weekend. Ahh – if that was only … Continue reading

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The Day after the

Well it has to be said that yesterday was a good day… Due to a slight miscalculation on timings Nick and I nearly missed the train but after a mad dash we made it to the station… just to find … Continue reading

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Pubnight Pub Crawl

Today Pub Night Council are off on a pub crawl round Gloucester.  We are only planning to do a handful of pubs, but those we have picked have a wide range of ales – which is more important than the … Continue reading

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Combining blogs

Well today I decided to pull over all my old posts from the blog on Camsigh. Using the export and import features of WordPress made it a breeze. Now all I have to do is go through all the posts, … Continue reading

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Colds and stuff

Well after the trip on the boat last weekend I went down will the mother of all colds. I was OK on Tuesday but by the time Wednesday rolled out I was feeing stuffed up and my throat was hurting. … Continue reading

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A few days on the boat

Well if all goes to plan we are off to the boat on Thursday night for a few “relaxing” days away from work. I say relaxing because we haven’t quite decided how much to push. If the weather is lousy … Continue reading

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When we first moved into the house back in 2002 there was a Telewest cable installation. We had it re-activated and used it for a bit. When we came to re-arrange the living room we asked Telewest how much it … Continue reading

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Can there be too many Online Fora?

Over the weekend, when I was moving the boat, I was sitting on the back deck thinking about a lot of things. Camsigh has gone quiet over the past couple of years, and other boards that I’m signed up to … Continue reading

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Was it all Worth it?

Well I sat down the other day and decided that I wasn’t happy with how Camsigh looked. I’d bolted a Blog mod onto the PHPBB forum and it was having problems with spammers and the code was rather messy. I’d … Continue reading

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