Tag Archives: spam

Reporting Akismet identified spam using fail2ban

I use fail2ban to protect my server. I additionally report the IP addresses  to AbuseIPDB  But Forum spam is a big problem as anyone with a blog will know I have Akismet configured, which pretty much stops it all from … Continue reading

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Bot Net slowing down

As a follow on to my post about the slow cycle bot net  it now looks like its slowing down (i.e. Fail2ban has blocked most of the compromised machines).

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Another stupid set of spam emails

Yet more stupid spam arrived in my inbox today. Lets just take two examples from the small tsunami that arrived. What spammers forget is that sending TWO emails from different people to the SAME address with similar messages in it … Continue reading

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Gifted Psychic? Stupid Spammer more like

Come on Spammers – do you really think shit like this gets through? Surely a “Gifted Psychic” would have known this would get flagged up as spam.

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Wonderful Suggestion from Facebook

Going to Suggest an Edit on Semalt’s Facebook page comes up with the following: Diahreaa is a pretty fitting suggestion!

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Semalt – the SEO company who lie to you.

On January 24th Andrew Timchenko from Semalt sent me a Private message on Facebook: Dear Stephen From now on your websites: tty.org.uk Canalplan.org.UK Canalplan.EU Canalplan.co.UK Pubnight.org.uk won’t be visited by our robots. I would like to bring apology on the … Continue reading

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Semalt really don’t get it

I posted on Semalt’s facebook and they deleted my posts. I made another post suggesting that deleting my posts simply confirmed that they were a rogue element. Then they tried to friend me… I have a rule on Facebook : … Continue reading

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Semalt.com – Rogue element? Or just scum?

So Google is full of sites posting about the above company … they would seem to be trying to do some sort of SE ranking or are they just complete arses? This is an example from one of my site … Continue reading

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Netscape – what a bunch of Morons

No doubt others have experienced this on their blogs: You have Trackbacks enabled and the trackbacks fill up with crap posted there by scum advertising drugs, pornography and so on. S I’ve been having a lot of problems with crap … Continue reading

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All quiet on the Western Front – again

Well the RBLs have trapped a lot of the spammers. Also I’ve put a bit of code in that at the moment is logging the IP of any person accessing the trackback script. The next step is to take that … Continue reading

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