
But I’m sure that won’t put you off reading any of the following:
  1. Reporting Akismet identified spam using fail2ban
  2. All Change!!
  3. Too much furniture
  4. Spring Cleaning
  5. My Poor Neglected Blog
  6. State Sponsored hacking?
  7. More Botnet stats
  8. Botnet stopped…
  9. Botnet still chugging along
  10. Spammers really don’t get it do they?

One Response to Welcome

  1. Joseph says:

    Hi steve,

    Reference # https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-call-to-undefined-function-wp_get_current_user-4?replies=32

    I just want to tell you that you are amazing!

    After experiencing the first ever WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH i was stunned!

    but after reviewing and following your guides, ive finally got the local site im creating, thank you so much,

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