Category Archives: Computing

Posts about computing and computing related matters

Another stupid set of spam emails

Yet more stupid spam arrived in my inbox today. Lets just take two examples from the small tsunami that arrived. What spammers forget is that sending TWO emails from different people to the SAME address with similar messages in it … Continue reading

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Post Exporting and Importing

I’m planning on being on holiday later in the year (see  Liverpool in the Autumn for more details ) and I’m planning on doing some blogging whilst we’re underway. So I want to be able to write my posts on … Continue reading

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Stupid pages that have paid Facebook to be forced into my Page feed

The mobile browser news feed for Facebook includes a section featuring “sponsored” pages which they think you might want to like. You can’t hide this section but their selection criteria is totally crap..   So lets start with this – … Continue reading

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Toshiba Dual Boot recovery

A few notes on how to restore dual boot after a Toshiba BIOS update. Continue reading

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Greek University BotNet

The following emails arrived in exactly the order they are shown here……  something tells me the University has a bit of a botnet going on.  

Posted in Computing, Sad Spammers | Leave a comment

Are Spammers getting even thicker?

Or are they simply paying the people who spam such shit money that they can’t even run a script properly? Look at this pile of crap that I found as a blocked comment today : That’s only about 1/5th of … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Rants, Sad Spammers | Tagged | 1 Comment

Merging Sites

I looked at what was over on canalplan blogs and decided that actually pulling the couple of live blogs over to here and closing down that site was the best thing to do. So I exported and imported the posts … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Computing, Witterings | Leave a comment

Capita still allowing hacking from their network

So several days after reporting to Capita that they had a compromised machine on their network what do I see but the same IP address come back and start doing exactly the same thing. A search on the internet shows … Continue reading

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Bits and bobs

Although I should be working on getting all the data loaded into the Canalplan Boats Database I’ve not been making a lot of progress on getting the new data and the old data mapped into a new structure which I … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Rants, Sad Spammers, Witterings | Leave a comment

Todays list of scum

2014-10-23 04:39:51,514 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [apache-wplogin] Ban 2014-10-23 11:02:05,033 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [postfix] Ban 2014-10-23 12:44:57,061 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [sasl] Ban 2014-10-23 12:47:16,215 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [postfix] Ban 2014-10-23 12:49:02,731 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [postfix] Ban 2014-10-23 12:49:41,087 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [postfix] … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Rants, Sad Spammers | Leave a comment