Category Archives: Computing

Posts about computing and computing related matters

Fail2ban tweaks

So I tweaked Fail2ban so it picked up failed SASL auth sesssion… There are a LOT of compromised machines out there: 2014-10-21 15:57:08,236 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [postfix] Ban 2014-10-21 22:00:08,119 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [postfix] Ban 2014-10-21 22:00:09,089 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [postfix] … Continue reading

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Wordbooker and Canalplan

Well since I decided to abandon Wordbooker due to the major changes in the Facebook API and changes in the FB newsfeed algorithms which mean that Wordbooker posts actually got poor “reach” I’ve been working on the Canalplan AC Plugin … Continue reading

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“Ignore the Security Certificate Warning”

EE have invalid SSL certs on their website. The OFFICIAL response is that you should IGNORE the warning: Remember EE are not some fly-by-night operation. They are a huge communications company and their SSL certs have been broken for in … Continue reading

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Wonderful Suggestion from Facebook

Going to Suggest an Edit on Semalt’s Facebook page comes up with the following: Diahreaa is a pretty fitting suggestion!

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Moronic Comment spammers

What a stupid comment spam: If you are going to post spam comments (which automatically get trapped by my spam filters) the least you could do is post stuff that is slightly amusing and makes sense rather than this complete … Continue reading

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Semalt – the SEO company who lie to you.

On January 24th Andrew Timchenko from Semalt sent me a Private message on Facebook: Dear Stephen From now on your websites: Canalplan.EU won’t be visited by our robots. I would like to bring apology on the … Continue reading

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Semalt really don’t get it

I posted on Semalt’s facebook and they deleted my posts. I made another post suggesting that deleting my posts simply confirmed that they were a rogue element. Then they tried to friend me… I have a rule on Facebook : … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Sad Spammers, Uncategorized, Witterings | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment – Rogue element? Or just scum?

So Google is full of sites posting about the above company … they would seem to be trying to do some sort of SE ranking or are they just complete arses? This is an example from one of my site … Continue reading

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So much for Mobile broadband

In which Steve mutters about the O2 broadband dongle and its broken DNS handling. Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Rants | 2 Comments

Posting to WordPress MU by Email Part 2

THIS POST IS OBSOLETE Warning: This post contains material of a technical nature, if you start reading and feel dizzy or nauseous then stop reading immediately and go and lie down. This is a follow up to my previous post … Continue reading

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