Tag Archives: cheltenham

Today is a good day…

To stay at home. There is an afternoon of racing on at Cheltenham Racecourse – its the first meeting of the National Hunt season. So going anywhere by car than involves going over that side of town is a totally … Continue reading

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It’s raining cats

Well the week at work seemed extremely long for some reason. Maybe the three day weekend on the boat made it seem that way, or maybe its just work. Tuesday Night the Out Of Town Pub Night GroupĀ  went to … Continue reading

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It wasn’t fun getting home on Friday – although the middle of the trip was OK the start of it (from Hanley Swan to Upton) was pretty bad due to serious flooding on the Hanley Road near Hanley Castle and … Continue reading

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Beer and Boats and the BSS, Part Two

Well yesterday was a most excellent and enjoyable day. Met Nick at the bottom of the road and we headed off to the Cheltenham Friends of the Samaritans beer festival at the Old Patesians Rugby Club. They had about 26 … Continue reading

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Beer and Boats and the BSS

Well its going to be a bit of a mad weekend. On Saturday Nick, myself and a few friends are off to the ‘Second’ Cheltenham Beer Festival’ which is run by the Friends of the Samaritans as a way of … Continue reading

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The Day after the

Well it has to be said that yesterday was a good day… Due to a slight miscalculation on timings Nick and I nearly missed the train but after a mad dash we made it to the station… just to find … Continue reading

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Ahhhh – Life Returns to Normal

Well life in Cheltenham returns to normal. All the race goers who piled into town for the Gold Cup have now left, or are in the process of leaving. There were 52,000 for the first 3 days and 65,000 on … Continue reading

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