Category Archives: Witterings

Witterings are, well they’re witterings really. They’re not uncategorised posts but don’t really fit into anything else

Look out Maine…. here we come!

Well not until some time on Saturday but we’re on the taxi-way. The house is pretty much cleaned up and de-fluffed and the parents will be here later this afternoon to house and cat sit whilst we’re away. Cameras are … Continue reading

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Cats have feelings too

It feels odd being in the house without Kathy, I know I spend a lot of time during the day by myself normally but its in the evenings that I really miss her. It seems odd cooking just for me … Continue reading

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Getting to grips with Latitude

Warning: This post contains material of a technical and mathematical nature, if you start reading and feel dizzy or nauseous then stop reading immediately and go and lie down. Google Latitude is an interesting little app which allows you to … Continue reading

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Summer is over… it’s official

September 1st and Summer is now officially over. How do I know? Do I have some special Almanac that tells me? Is it all based on folk lore? Is it because the schools went back today? Nope, its none of … Continue reading

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All hands on Deck

Last weekend Nick and I headed up to the boat to do some work on it. The deck boards on the boat are made out of plywood and they get wet and once water gets in on the cut edge … Continue reading

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Internet on the Boat

Kathy and I spent the weekend on the boat on the moorings. We couldn’t go any where because the canal is closed due to a breach on one of the embankments and so they’ve closed all the locks to stop … Continue reading

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I’ve had an Adroid G1 on T-Mobile for quite a bit now and I quite like it, its got a lot of good features but one huge problem with it is the damned battery life. Like its terrible. I found … Continue reading

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Keeping things up to date

It’s a never ending task really. Most of the core server components update automatically, as long as I remember to kick off an update process once in a while, its everything else that you need to keep a eye on. … Continue reading

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Just another Statistic

That’s what I am, when it comes to being part of a large, and growing, number of people who are out of work. 6 months without work is not nice and the market is such that its now an employers … Continue reading

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Knight Rider

You’re probably thinking that Steve’s gone bonkers but please bear with me on this one. Sci-Fi are running the new series of Knight Rider. Now we all remember the original which starred The Hoff which aired back in the early … Continue reading

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