If you are going to send phishing emails to me then at least use proper English….. totally and utterly pathetic.
Author: Steve
Moronic spammers
None of the blogs on this site have a META section. There is NO registration allowed but still I get spammers calling the wp-login page. I protected with a .htaccess rule but apparently the software used by these sad morons is so stupid that it can’t understand an authorisation issue and just goes into an endless loop hammering the server.
So I’ve turned on Fail2ban’s wp-login monitor and its working well :
So please take note – calling the wp-login page on this site too often will simply block you…..
Wordbooker and Canalplan
Well since I decided to abandon Wordbooker due to the major changes in the Facebook API and changes in the FB newsfeed algorithms which mean that Wordbooker posts actually got poor “reach” I’ve been working on the Canalplan AC Plugin for WordPress and also working on the Boat Index part of Canalplan.
The big changes to the Canalplan Plugin are to do with integrating Backitude. Backitude is an Android App that provides lightweight GPS functionality but what interested me is that it supports custom servers. So I sat down and coded up the stuff needed to get backitude to send its current location to the Canalplan AC plugin. The plugin uses that information to update the “Where am I” widget part of the plugin and it also passes that information through to Canalplan AC.
When we took on the Boat Index from Jim Shead we worked out we could do some clever integration into Canalplan.
So if you are logged in you can :
- “like” a boat, actually you can like as many boats as you like
- Edit Photos and “tag” them with any of the boats in your liked list
- Nominate one of your “liked” boats to be “tracked” (Beta only at the moment)
- Down load a backitude configuration to allow you to send track information to Canalplan (Beta only at the moment)
So Canalplan can now track a boat either directly with backitude or indirectly through the Canalplan AC blog plugin.
Boat tracks can be viewed by people and you can also see the current location of any boat which has enabled public tracking.
If you are logged in you can also:
- Change the visibility of any tracked route you’ve created
- Delete any tracked route you’ve created
- Edit any tracked route to remove “rogue” tracking waypoints
- Change if your tracked boat is public or not. If its private then none of its trips are available. This might change in future
These second set of features are only available in the Beta version at the moment.
Starting to think that Wetherspoon’s Customer feedback form is simply just a…
It really shouldn't take 3 weeks to investigate lousy service at one of their pubs.
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Once again T-Mobile excel at being a total pile of crap
The sooner I am away from these useless fuckwits the better…. roll on the end of July!
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Well it’s good to know that the boat is still in one piece!
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Facebook full of nothing….
excellent beer and good live music
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Sometimes I really wonder why I’m paying EE for a mobile phone contract
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“Ignore the Security Certificate Warning”
EE have invalid SSL certs on their website.
The OFFICIAL response is that you should IGNORE the warning:
Remember EE are not some fly-by-night operation. They are a huge communications company and their SSL certs have been broken for in excess of a week but they apparently cannot fix it.