Is there a valid and legitimate reason for Has anyone ever seen…

Is there a valid and legitimate reason for Has anyone ever seen any real traffic from them? All I ever get is spam comments and a continual stream of machines attempting to subvert my email server to send spam.

I suppose that some of their machines could be compromised and be in a botnet but the number of different IP addresses I've seen doing exactly the same thing suggests that either the whole system is compromised or actively promote spamming practices… and its being going on for so long that I suspect they are complicit in the whole mess.

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I see Facebook is now taking money off companies so that they can basically spam…

I see Facebook is now taking money off companies so that they can basically spam peoples news feeds. I don't mind seeing posts from companies etc. that I have liked because I've liked them for a specific reason. So if The Talbot Inn wants to tell me what beers they have on the bar this coming weekend then that's fine by me.

But when a company I have never heard off spams my news feed with something that I don't give a shit about and expects me to "like" their page … well they can just fuck off. Not only can they fuck off but I will try to ensure I never use any products or services that that company provides…

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

Samsung UK – Fail!

These are screenshots from the GooglePlay store for my UK Samsung S3. Both these apps are "System" apps which were installed by Samsung and cannot be deleted.

AllShare Play is, as you can see, not compatible with the phone which is pretty impressively crap.

Galaxy Choice, however, is compatible with my phone but its in Korean so I can't delete it.

Its not Rocket Science Samsung… add to that the "System" install of Dropbox and you have to wonder what sort of donkeys Samsung UK employ. 

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So when did Dropbox become a core Android system component? Its flagged on my S3…

So when did Dropbox become a core Android system component? Its flagged on my S3 as a "system app" and thus cannot be removed. Samsung tell me that its part of the operating system – I smell bullshit and the smell is coming from Samsung/T-Mobile UK

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What a total joke. My S3 has 4 apps on it which you provided.. no let me correct that… you forced them upon me – I don't want them but I am unable to de-install them.

Of those :

One is in Korean… WTF? 
and Two are not actually compatible with my S3?

Do you really have any idea at all? 

Its MY phone  – not yours. Let me remove the shit that I do not want to use..

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Well it looks like the S3 might have been repaired – there’s a package I need…

Well it looks like the S3 might have been repaired – there's a package I need to sign for at the sorting office and the only thing that I'm expecting is the phone so fingers crossed that its made it back to there in one piece… which knowing our postal service will be a minor miracle.

The next big decision is how much to load back into it. JellyBean is due out soon and will no doubt need a factory reset to get it to work ( Samsung's reply to anything to do with problems on their phone is "Do a Factory Reset") and as the Kies software Samsung provide is far from reliable using it to backup and restore things on the phone is always a complete shot in the dark. So I know that any app I download and configure, and any music or photos on the phone, will get lost so so I bother going through the pain of doing it all just to do it again when JellyBean arrives…

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.