Well not until some time on Saturday but we’re on the taxi-way.
The house is pretty much cleaned up and de-fluffed and the parents will be here later this afternoon to house and cat sit whilst we’re away.
Cameras are just about packed, and I’m sort of half done on my packing, which I suppose I should finish off so that I’ll be ready to drive us down to Heathrow on Friday night. We’ve got a good deal on a hotel room with parking, and its a lot less stressful driving down the night before than getting up at something like 4 am to get down to get the coach from the bus station over to Heathrow when you always end up clock watching and every single slow down turns into a minor panic about getting there on time.
We’re flying with BA from Terminal 5, so it will be interesting to see if its really as impressive as they claimed and as it looks on TV. We’re actually arriving in Boston at a sensible time and we’ll see if my electronic visa paperwork has actually made it through the system: they say you don’t need to keep a copy of the confirmation that its valid or take it with you, but we’re not risking it. Then its just a matter of hopping on the Concord bus service to Portland where we’ll be picked up and taken up to Kathy’s mums.
We’ve not got a lot planned: A weekend in Kennebunkport with friends, Thanksgiving with Kathy’s family, and hopefully just a lot of time relaxing, well relaxing for Kathy, I’m hoping that I just wont be sitting round the house all day, I do enough of that at home.
Of course, I nearly forgot : there’s a wedding to go to as well 😆 Rick and Jill are tying the knot the Thanksgiving weekend. Its been a far from easy year for both of them but things seem to be getting better and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to it and all Jill’s planning will all come together.
Weatherwise : well its Maine so everything from bright sunshine, through rain to frost and snow, so we’ve packed hats and gloves and a mixture of clothes, but I don’t think I’ll bother packing the sunscreen or my shorts… but now I’ve said that 😆
Right, that’s enough for now, I think I probably need to go and finish off the vacuuming!