Thanks a bunch EE

Their FB page says:

We’re EE – the UK’s biggest and fastest overall network, offering 4G in over 100 towns and cities, as well as Fibre Broadband.

This is the coverage map for where I live….

bad t-mobile

… pretty crap really… my phone “Should” work outside most of the time.

Interesting contract – I promise to pay them money every month and they provide a service that “should” allow me to make calls.

Moronic Comment spammers

What a stupid comment spam:

silly spammers

If you are going to post spam comments (which automatically get trapped by my spam filters) the least you could do is post stuff that is slightly amusing and makes sense rather than this complete bullshit The offending IP ( ) is Canadian – which makes a change from the usual Chinese or Russian or Indian culprits.

Oh look…another scummy company on the internet

These shits run adverts which redirect to their site where they display this advert with no way of backing out.

I’ve no idea if the app they link to in the Play Store is legitimate or not. But my tablet does NOT suffer from memory problems, so this company ( based on domain on com-trckr . co ) are basically lying to you. I’d love to report their site as fake from Chrome on my browser on my table but I can’t.. .guess it will have to wait until I get home 

Semalt – the SEO company who lie to you.

On January 24th Andrew Timchenko from Semalt sent me a Private message on Facebook:

Dear Stephen
From now on your websites:
won’t be visited by our robots.
I would like to bring apology on the behalf of our company if our service caused you some troubles.

I’d told him that I wanted all subdomains on those domains removing from their systems and I was stupid enough to believe him although for a while their annoying bots stopped visiting.

But they came back – not as stupidly fast as before but doing exactly the same call to the home page, over and over again.

So if you’ve had promises from Semalt to take your domains out of their system.. double check and make sure that you’ve got a rule in your .htaccess rule to ban them