So far so good

Well my scripts automatically add the IP address to the .htaccess file if it works out they are spamming.

Blocking a couple of domains in URLS got rid of a lot of crap. Block and it will take out a lot of your spam as thats all they seem to host!

All quiet on the Western Front – again

Well the RBLs have trapped a lot of the spammers. Also I’ve put a bit of code in that at the moment is logging the IP of any person accessing the trackback script.

The next step is to take that code and wrap it into the trackback script so that posts containing “banned” words get their IP added to the blocking list.

Well the code is now modified. All trackback posts record the IP of the poster. If the IP of the trackback is in a linked table then the trackback isn’t displayed. This allows me to quickly “block” posts by inserting one IP but leaves the trackback hidden so I can work on it.

Also if I get the same IP posting to the same entry more than once it assumes that it is spam, accepts it (in case it isnt!) and drops the IP address into my spammers table.

Gone away!!

Well after following the instructions here

I’ve managed to get it so that spammers on my boards get a 403 message.

The only thing I found was that the directives had to go into the apache2 config file rather than the .htaccess file which complained “order not allowed here”. I also adjusted it so that only POST is blocked..

I’m going to run with it for a few days then I’m going to add a couple more RBLs to the list and then I can hopefully put the trackback link back in.

And for those who dont want to down load the whole of the apache source files just to compile this one little bit here is the recompiled mod_access for Apache 2.0.48