Just relaxing doing nothing

Sue and Jeff live outside Hallowell, and even though the interstate is quite close there is no direct access and its not actually that noisy

[Embedded Canalplan Map for Sue and Jeff’s]

As you can see from the photo the neighbours are slightly further away than they are at home. When we aren’t here we are spending time over at Kathy’s parents who live on the other side of Augusta. Her Mum makes a mean mug of coffee and always has lots of food to nibble on.

[Embedded Canalplan Map for Kathy’s Parents]

The big tree on the corner of the property by the turning into Sparrow Drive has recently come down as it was leaning dangerously, and the small shed in the garden has also gone.. actually its been gone for a while now so I guess the satellite image is quite old

…and another thing

.. What is it with Americans and Cheese? Why do they smother everything in the damned stuff? I’m married to an American and she can’t answer the question. As you might have guessed I like cheese but NOT when its cooked – :wierdface:

There you are sitting in a bar and you want something to eat and you browse the menu.. Fancy a burger.. oh look its got CHEESE on it (note I’m not talking about Cheeseburgers here – I guess they have even more of the stuff on them). How about some nice steak tips with onions?… ‘fraid not its covered in cheese..
