Category: google+
For posts from Google+
It's looking a little wet in Boston for this coming weekend and it's looking a little cold in Augusta next week… Might need to dig out the long johns
Being on call over the weekend and working overnight on Saturday to Sunday wasn’t…
Being on call over the weekend and working overnight on Saturday to Sunday wasn't that bad and the money will be nice but there was a lot of stuff that I really needed to get done so we can fly out Maine for Thanksgiving.
I think I might have to draw up a task list of things to do each night and tick them off. Got a lot of stuff to cram into next weekend which I couldn't do this last weekend – that includes getting a pile of junk out of the car and into the recycling centre so we'll actually have somewhere to put the suitcases.
Actually suitcases are the first thing on the list – we know they're in the house somewhere – I suspect I might have to venture into the loft.
Going to be some big bangs tonight.
I always wondered why I used to get buzzed quite quickly when I was drinking…

I always wondered why I used to get buzzed quite quickly when I was drinking I know. The bottles in the USA don't carry the abv
Oh come on The Register
Why hello spammers trying to send mail from live@com to therichsheickc@yahoo.c…

Why hello spammers trying to send mail from live@com to
I thought your crappy bot had given up trying to use my server to relay spam… but I guess not, and your handshaking is as crap as ever.
Slowly working through the check list of things that need to be done before we fly…
Slowly working through the check list of things that need to be done before we fly to Maine for Thanksgiving….
Officially my last day as a DBA at RR Donnelley
From tomorrow I'm in the development team…..