My Poor Neglected Blog

Was it really in 2017 that I last posted on here? I guess it must have been.

Since then I’ve been boating several times with two week long holidays to Llangollen and a round trip round the West Midlands and Birmingham – which is actually a lot nicer than it sounds.

I’ve also done two trips to Maine – for Thanksgiving in 2017 and Christmas last year. Both of those trips have given me good blog header banner photos. The first one is of Three Mile Pond, near China Maine

This second one was taken down near Dresden Mills, Maine

I’ve been working on various bits for Canalplan AC  – basically adding support for importing and displaying of Canal and River Trust Stoppages. I’ve also been working on moving the Canalplan site off Google Maps after we got a rather large bill for serving map tiles.

I’ve also been working on my Canalplan Plugin for WordPress which needed quite a bit of work doing on it to keep up with the changes to the WordPress Editor.

I’ve also just been keeping the server ticking over -upgrading php and Apache to newer versions, and moving things over to HTTP/2 where we can.

In a couple of weeks I’m off on our traditional early in the year pub crawl round Market Drayton where a bunch of us from all over the country get together and have a good day catching up with each other and drinking beer in various pubs, before using the boat as a floating bedroom