A Thanksgiving Wedding

So what did you do on the Saturday following Thanksgiving on Thursday and the madness of “Black Friday”? Did you take it easy and watch some TV, or did you venture out to do some shopping hoping that things would be a little quieter.

Or did you go to a wedding?

Rick and Jill’s wedding was one of the reasons we’d flown back to Maine and with it being on the Thanksgiving weekend it all worked out quite well.

Having recovered from too much turkey on Thursday we all gathered at the church on Friday evening to have a rehearsal which went quite smoothly which I suppose is a good thing, and then we all went over to the Ground Round for the rehearsal supper where I think we almost ate too much food again.

Saturday morning seemed to roll round really quickly and Kathy headed out to get her hair done, having got her nails done on Friday afternoon in the middle of the Black Friday madness. Then the Groom’s party descended on the house to get ready which was slightly less chaotic than when Jen got married the other year, but not by much.

There had been an earlier wedding at the church but by the time we got there there was no sign of them and it wasn’t long before wedding guests started turning up and the ceremony started right on time.

It was a pretty good ceremony with some good readings and the deacon talked well and made everyone feel welcome and relaxed, and even made a joke or two.

There was one very funny moment during the service when Rick and Jill went up to light the unity candle from the two side candles and they’d lit it and were walking back and it went out, so the deacon called them back and they tried to re-light it but it just didn’t want to know. After a little bit of work, and two tapers which were really starting to flare up, they got it lit and made their way back to their places and the ceremony continued.

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I got caught out by the Roman Catholic version of The Lords Prayer which is several lines shorter at the end, and it seems that it caught everyone else who wasn’t RC out as well.

After the service was over and photos were taken we all piled into various cars and headed across town to the Augusta Civic Center where the reception was being held. They’d even put a message on the electric notice board at the Civic Center so anyone driving past it would know.

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The reception was being held in a function room in the North wing of the Center and there was a craft fayre being held in the main auditorium which some of us joked about crashing but I think the arrival of a lot of people in matching tuxedos and waistcoats might have thrown them off a bit.

It was a great reception and everyone seemed to have a good time. So to finish off this blog here is a picture of the happy couple

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